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how do i clean and maintain granite countertops

    Cleaning and Maintaining Granite Countertops: A Comprehensive Guide

    Keeping your granite countertops in pristine condition is easier than you think. Follow these guidelines for proper cleaning and maintenance:

    1. Daily Cleaning

    Regularly wipe down your granite countertops with a soft cloth or sponge and warm water to remove surface debris, spills, or crumbs. Avoid abrasive scrubbing pads or harsh cleaners to prevent potential scratches.

    2. Mild Soap Solution

    For routine cleaning, create a solution using mild dish soap and warm water. Apply it to the countertop and gently wipe with a non-abrasive cloth or sponge. Rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth.

    3. Avoid Harsh Cleaners

    Steer clear of acidic or abrasive cleaners as they can damage the surface and sealant. Acidic substances like vinegar or lemon juice can cause etching, while abrasive cleaners or scouring pads can scratch the surface.

    4. Dealing with Spills

    Act quickly to clean spills to minimize staining risk. Blot the spill with a paper towel instead of wiping, as wiping can spread it. Use a mild soap solution if needed, and rinse thoroughly.

    5. Sealing

    Granite is porous but usually sealed during fabrication. Check if resealing is needed periodically to prevent stains. Consult your supplier or manufacturer for sealing frequency and suitable products.

    6. Avoiding Heat and Impact

    Although heat-resistant, use trivets, hot pads, or heat-resistant mats under hot cookware or appliances. Avoid dropping heavy objects or applying excessive force to prevent chipping or cracking.

    7. Regular Maintenance

    Inspect your granite countertops periodically for damage, such as cracks, chips, or loose sealant. If issues arise, consult a professional for assessment and repairs.

    By following these practices, you’ll preserve the beauty and longevity of your granite countertops. Refer to your supplier or manufacturer’s care guidelines for specific recommendations tailored to your granite type and sealant.